Certainly! In this article, we'll explore how to show and hide text on click of a link using JavaScript.
Showing and hiding text is a common web development feature that can help improve the user experience of your website. By allowing users to reveal additional information only when they need it, you can keep your pages more organized and easier to read.
In this tutorial, we'll create a simple web page with a link that, when clicked, will reveal or hide additional text on the page. Here's how to get started.
Step 1: Set up the HTML
The first step is to create the basic HTML structure of our web page. We'll need an anchor tag that will serve as our "show more" button, and a div that will contain the additional text we want to show or hide.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Show and Hide Text on Click of Link</title>
<a href="#" id="showMore">Show More</a>
<div id="moreText" style="display: none;">
<p>This is the additional text that will be revealed when the link is clicked.</p>
In the code above, we've created an anchor tag with an id of showMore
and a div with an id of moreText
. We've also added some sample text to the div to demonstrate how the feature will work.
Note that we've set the style
attribute of the moreText
div to display: none;
. This will hide the div initially, so that the additional text is not visible when the page loads.
Step 2: Add the JavaScript
Now that we have our HTML in place, we can add the JavaScript code that will show and hide the additional text when the link is clicked. Here's the code:
var link = document.getElementById('showMore');
var moreText = document.getElementById('moreText');
link.onclick = function() {
if (moreText.style.display === 'none') {
moreText.style.display = 'block';
link.innerHTML = 'Show Less';
} else {
moreText.style.display = 'none';
link.innerHTML = 'Show More';
return false;
In the code above, we first use the getElementById
method to get references to our anchor tag and div. We then set the onclick
property of the anchor tag to a function that will run when the link is clicked.
The function checks the current display
style of the moreText
div. If it's set to none
, meaning that the additional text is currently hidden, the function sets the display
style to block
to reveal the text. It also changes the text of the link to "Show Less".
If the display
style is not set to none
, meaning that the additional text is currently visible, the function sets the display
style back to none
to hide the text. It also changes the text of the link back to "Show More".
Finally, the function returns false
to prevent the link from navigating to a new page when clicked.
Step 3: Test the Feature
With our HTML and JavaScript in place, we can now test the feature by opening the HTML file in a web browser and clicking the "Show More" link. Clicking the link should reveal the additional text, and change the link text to "Show Less". Clicking the link again should hide the additional text and change the link text back to "Show More".
Congratulations! You've just created a simple show/hide text feature using javascript.